HealthNet’s Social Work Services Program is here to advocate on behalf of the patients we serve, and to assist these families with basic needs. In addition to providing direct education and support, HealthNet Social Work Services also provides information and referrals to agencies that can help with specific needs.
Our social workers help families with routine requests for assistance such as:
- Housing or utility assistance
- Employment, job training
- Food, clothing, emergency shelter
- Transportation
- Prescription assistance
- Financial resources
- Where to go for help in cases of domestic violence, child abuse or neglect
- Low-cost medical/dental care
- Mental health counseling referral
- Legal services referral
- Parenting information/Parenting Classes
- Education and tutoring/GED
- Day care information
- Questions about foster care support
- Adoption-referrals
- Application for disability, social security
- Respite care resources
- Safe Sleep classes
- Auto Safety referrals
- Best Father Program (Collaboration with Fathers and Families)
- Medicare/Medicaid/Healthy Indiana Plan applications and referrals
In addition, we also go beyond the routine requests and also assist families in times of crises such as eviction, utility disconnections, or sudden loss.
Locations & Appointments
Evening appointments are available. We will meet with you at no charge. You do not have to be a HealthNet patient and bilingual services are available.
For more information and to schedule an appointment, please contact the health center nearest you.