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Sun Smart Right From the Start


Help us collect 750 sunscreen bottles for HealthNet babies!

Each year HealthNet Health Promotions partners with Clarian Cancer Prevention Services to offer Baby Be Sun Smart, a sun safety program for mothers of newborns. It’s designed to help new mothers learn the importance of sun protection for their babies and to prevent harmful sun exposure in the future.

This year, our goal is to distribute 750 sun safety kits to HealthNet moms of babies between 0-3 months that come in for well-baby visits around Memorial Day. Moms will receive a sand bucket filled with a bilingual sun safety education flyer, a hand-made baby bonnet, and a small bottle of sunscreen.

The sunscreen has been donated to us in the past, but our partner is not able to help us again this year. We’re hosting a sunscreen drive to collect 750 travel-sized bottles to complete the sun safety kits. If you and your organization, company or church would like to help, please collect donations between May 3-14 and and email Jane Meyer to arrange a pick up or delivery.

The sunscreen should be:

- SPF 30 or higher

- Pocket-sized (3-4 oz.)

- Broad-spectrum – (UVA and UVB)

- Waterproof

Thank you for your help!