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Sheraton Donates 500 Kits for HealthNet Homeless Initiative Program Clients


Thank you so much to the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing for their generous donation of 500 hygiene kits for HealthNet's Homeless Initiative Program (HIP)! The hygiene kits will be given to individuals experiencing or working their way out of homelessness. Each kit includes personal care items such as individually wrapped toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, razor, washcloth, shampoo, conditioner and body lotion.

The hygiene kits and additional soap are part of their "Clean The World One Project," an innovative partnership between Starwood Hotels & Resorts and Clean The World to raise awareness and funds advocating for access to simple needs, such as soap, to prevent illness and death in children around the world.

HIP has benefited the last 3 years from the Sheraton’s partnership both with regards to our Employment Program along with hygiene kits assembled and donated so that our clients have easily portable hygiene items.

Thank you so much for your generous donation and continued support!